What is an Allergy ?
Allergy is an exaggerated response to an external stimuli /allergen which is
usually harmless to normal individuals.This occurs because of the immune
response of the body to the offending allergen. There can be a genetic
predisposition to allergies which means they can run in the family eg If one
parent has asthma, there is 25% chance of the child having it.
What are the different types of Allergies ?
Allergies can involves multiple systems .A person can have sneezing and
running noses -allergic rhinitis,
Skin rashes or hives,
skin irritation in creases and folds -eczema,
food allergy.
Anaphylaxis_ severe allergic reaction which involves swelling of eyes, lips ,
breathing difficulties, diarrhoea , fall in blood pressure
What is an allergen ?
An allergen can be Indoor allergen like dust mites, moulds, cockroach or
Outdoor allergens like tree and grass pollens, weeds, insect bites.
How can allergies be treated ?
Evaluation of a suspected allergy must include a detailed medical history,
comprehensive physical examination and appropriate diagnostic tests like Skin Prick test where your doctor will place a small amount of allergen most commonly on the forearm , sometimes
on the back and is pricked so that the allergen enters the skin. Results are read
for swelling and redness at the area of the prick. Alternatively a blood test can
be done that screens for specific allergy causing antibodies to various common
What are dust mites and what is house dust mite allergy ?
Dust mites are microscopic organisms that live inside homes, offices , ware
houses. House dust mites reside on home linen, mattresses, pillows , curtains,
stuffed toys. They can be the common cause for year round allergic symptoms
like sneezing, running nose , itchy watery eyes, itchy nose , post nasal drip ,
cough, frequent upward rubbing of the nose in children. In severe cases it can
cause wheezing , shortness of breath, skin rashes and itching.
How are allergies prevented ?
Allergies can be easily preventable by taking certain measure to remove or
decrease allergens from the environment. Severe allergies may require use of
medications and allergen reducing measures.
Practical steps to control HDM
Use allergen- proof bed covers and pillow covers. Launder linen at 60C
Vacuum the surfaces , mattresses regularly at least weekly to prevent buildup
oft he dust and dust mites
Remove furry toys and blankets or wash them weekly at 60C temperature
Remove indoor carpets to prevent HDM from settling inside them
Damp dust to prevent dust from flying around.
Ventilate the house and keep the humidity below 50%to prevent breeding of the
Adding a mite killing material in bed linen during wash can kill the mites and
reduce their population.
Keep the room clutter free
Air purifier with HEPA fillers can keep the dust levels low in living areas .
Allergen Immunotherapy
It is a treatment modality where the immune system is trained to not react
excessively to allergen. This is achieved by introducing small amount offending
allergen into the body via mouth or allergy shots over a period of time – 3 to 5
years usually depending upon the response. It s also known as desensitisation
to the allergen.